From the Principal

From the Principal

Tena koutou katoa
Nga mihi nui ki a koutou

Tihei Mauri ora – kia tau te rangimārie!

We are pleased to welcome you all to an exciting new chapter in our school’s communication journey with our new-look Newsletter and Website. As technology continues to evolve and shape the way we interact and engage, it’s important that we provide a more dynamic digital space for information and collaboration. We hope you enjoy.

Today is a new day!
You can start fresh, wipe the slate clean and begin again.
Today you can embrace kindness, practice compassion, stand up for justice
talk to strangers and make new friends.
You can ask for help offer hope and listen with your courageous heart
(to the ‘Whisperings of Grace').
You can work for the common good love well and today, and every day,
YOU can be the change you want to see in the world.

Me aro ki te hā o Hineahuone!

Kia pai te raa whakataa – have a good rest over the weekend.

Upcoming Dates

  • 15 AugustThe Feast of the Assumption Mass
  • 18 – 19 AugustChanel Shield – Tauranga
  • 21 AugustCourse Information Evening for 2024
  • 23 – 25 AugustYear 12 Retreat
  • 28 Aug – 3 SepWinter Tournament Week

Koga Secondary School Visit – Japan

On Monday we hosted 50 Japanese students (and their teachers) from Koga Secondary School to provide a “taste” of life at Sacred Heart Girls’ College. Our Kapa Haka group welcomed the students, kai was shared, and our guests and their student buddies participated in some fun activities. The Koga girls accompanied their buddies to a couple of lessons – a successful day for all!

Many of our international students visited Hobbiton mid-week, and we farewelled our group of nine Taiwanese students, as well as Mio from Thailand, on Tuesday. 

  • Koga Secondary School Visit – Japan
  • Koga Secondary School Visit – Japan
  • Koga Secondary School Visit – Japan

Ministerial Youth Advisory Group

The Youth Advisory Group (YAG), acts as a way for the youth of Aotearoa to share their experiences and perspectives on education with the Minister of Education. Members of YAG bring forward their insights to various departments that require the assistance of the Ministry of Education to help inform how the improvement of the education system can be implemented. After 3 years in Waikato’s Youth Secondary Tertiary Advisory Group, I was elected as the Waikato representative of the National YAG; to work for the Minister of Education. At the end of July, I made the trip to Parliament and attended long meetings, had robust discussions, and provided feedback to the Minister. It’s an honour and a privilege to be a member of a team that is directly involved in our education system. 

Hazel Rodney, Mission Leader

Media Article

Duke Of Edinburgh – Gold Tramp

At the beginning of August, seven new Gold Duke of Edinburgh participants had their training camp at Pirongia with Mrs. Cooper and Mr. Monsma in chilly minus-two degrees overnight. They very ably demonstrated and used a wide range of bushcraft, water safety, navigation, and survival skills as well as showing their understanding of the environment, flora and fauna, and the importance of the area to Maaori. A huge shout-out to Mike, Manager of Bivouac for his generous donation of six new cookers (valued at $45ea). Bivouac is a huge supporter of young people getting into the outdoors and all their staff are passionate and helpful. Our students have a 3-day practice tramp coming up in September.

If you’d like to know more about our Duke of Edinburgh programme, please 
email Belinda Cooper.

Photo Gallery

Gateway Programme

Our Gateway Programme has been busy over the past few weeks with some interesting placements. Paige Hedge and Ahaana Lal thoroughly enjoyed their time at Beattie Rickman Legal. Caitlyn Eagleton had fun under the hood when completing a Gateway Engines Automotive short training course at Fairview Education. Jordyn Eketone, along with Peepi Kaukau, Aria McLachlan, and Caitlyn Eagleton attended a placement at Equipotential Therapeutic Horse Riding, where they worked with children and adults with disabilities to support physical health and well-being. Other placements included the opportunity to attend the Varda Open Day to explore Hairdressing, Makeup Artistry and Barbering, Wel Networks, Atawhai Assisi Home and Hospital, and The Warehouse. So many wonderful opportunities!

The College has an impressive track record of successful placements in work experience through the Year 12 Gateway programme, where students are encouraged to start making decisions about their future career options.

Like to know more? Please email Alison Crean, Gateway Coordinator.

Football Fever

  • Football Fever

Diana Melendez and Isabella Salgado danced with a group of Colombians as part of the FIFA World Cup in Hamilton last week. They displayed their talents on the main stage and as part of the Fan Festival, which was streamed live. Loads of practice hours went into these performances and what an honour it was to be chosen!  

In local Football news: Last Saturday, Chantal Dinan made her debut in the Women’s Premier League for Hamilton Wanderers. Congrats Chantel!

Such a talented bunch!

  • Football Fever
  • Football Fever

Arts Week 2023

  • Arts Week 2023
  • Arts Week 2023

A fun-filled week celebrating the Arts, with fun activities that the students and staff participated in and enjoyed, including Just Dance, Karaoke, Character Day, Talent Quest, and the Performing Arts Showcase.

Photo Gallery

Notice Board

School Parking

Please use either Cook Street or Firth Street entrances to drop off or pick up your daughter. There has been an increase in dropping off students in the morning at the Clyde Street carpark, this is proving to be a safety issue. Thank you.

Mission College Fees

All attendance dues are now overdue, unless you have a payment plan in place. Please check your emails for updated statements.

Attendance Reminder

If your daughter will be absent from school during the day for any reason, please email the Student Coordinator: or phone the school 856 7874 option 1, giving a reason for her absence. If a student will be absent from school for an extended period of time, whānau must inform Miss Gunn. Please email her PA, Ms Ritchie at explaining the reason for her absence.

Our Vision

Ignite the Passion: inspiring young women to change the world – me aro ki te hā o Hineahuone!