From the Principal

From the Principal
  • From the Principal

Tena koutou katoa
Nga mihi nui ki a koutou

This is Holy Week – the final ‘walk’ towards the Cross in anticipation of the victory of the Resurrection: when Jesus came back to life and told a different story – a truer story – a story about life and love:
“I haere mai ahau kia whiwhi ai rātou ki te ora, inā, tōna nui noa atu -
I have come so they may have life and have it in abundance” (John 10:10)

New life starts in the dark – whether it is a seed in the ground, a child in the womb or Jesus in the tomb – it all starts in the dark – may we recognise our dark days as the start of something to be transformed!

Life is about coming to an awareness of the eternal demands of the ordinary and learning to trust the loving presence of God in what we too often regard as burdens. Then, we will indeed have life and have it abundantly.

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  • From the Principal

Tena koutou katoa
Nga mihi nui ki a koutou

This is Holy Week – the final ‘walk’ towards the Cross in anticipation of the victory of the Resurrection: when Jesus came back to life and told a different story – a truer story – a story about life and love:
“I haere mai ahau kia whiwhi ai rātou ki te ora, inā, tōna nui noa atu -
I have come so they may have life and have it in abundance” (John 10:10)

New life starts in the dark – whether it is a seed in the ground, a child in the womb or Jesus in the tomb – it all starts in the dark – may we recognise our dark days as the start of something to be transformed!

Life is about coming to an awareness of the eternal demands of the ordinary and learning to trust the loving presence of God in what we too often regard as burdens. Then, we will indeed have life and have it abundantly.

May the joy of the Resurrection fill your hearts with life and love!
Ngaa mihi o Te Aranga ki a koutou katoa – Happy Easter!

Upcoming Dates

  • 29 Mar – 2 AprEaster Break
  • 2 Apr – 6 AprHigh School Musical
  • 11 AprOpen Day
  • 12 AprEnd of Term 1
  • 25 AprAnzac Day
  • 29 AprStart of Term 2

RNDM Retreat

On Thursday, 14th March, Kate Monsma, Head Girl, and I had the opportunity to attend the RNDM Mission Retreat in Wellington. Over the three days, we forged new friendships and fostered a sense of sisterhood. Collaborating with students from five other schools, we delved into diverse aspects of leadership through the lens of Catholic Character. Most importantly, we found purpose in our leadership roles and understood the intrinsic “why” behind our actions. Under the guidance of Sr Anne Sklenars, we learnt how our Mission sisters came to be and how all our sacred schools are connected to Eupharise Barbier.

By Anne Kaninteang, Mission leader 

Always lead with heart, not head!


Summer Tournament Week: 17 – 24 March

  • Summer Tournament Week: 17 – 24 March
  • Summer Tournament Week: 17 – 24 March

Congratulations to our remarkable students for their outstanding performances at last week’s Summer Tournament. We are proud to share the achievements of our talented athletes.

Our Futsal teams showcased immense dedication and passion in Wellington (Seniors) and Tauranga (Juniors). This was the Seniors’ inaugural appearance at the Nationals tournament, and they demonstrated remarkable spirit and commitment. While victory may not have been theirs this time, their relentless effort was evident. Meanwhile, our Junior team soared to impressive heights, securing a commendable second-place finish overall.

Our 21-rowers had a great 2024 Aon Maadi Regatta down in Twizel. Many of our crews advanced to the finals, with Georgia Kendrick and Lily Ashton clinching a remarkable second place in the A Final, adorning themselves with well-deserved silver medals.

Our Equestrian Team, comprised of Mackenzy Clarkson, Ciara O'Rourke Nicholson, Mackenzie Falconer, and Maya Matthews, competed at the Pegasus Cup, Takapoto Estate. They showcased exceptional skill, securing an impressive 7th place overall out of 48 teams nationally. Special recognition goes to Mackenzie and Ciara for their individual achievements, which contributed to the team’s success.

Lastly, we celebrate the triumphs of Emily Nagel, our 'White Water Queen,' who showcased her prowess once again at the NZSS Canoe Slalom Champs in Kawerau. Emily returns to Kirikiriroa adorned with: 

  • 2 Gold
  • 4 Silver
  • 1 Bronze

We couldn’t be prouder of how our students have represented our school with excellence, determination, and sportsmanship. Their achievements inspire us, and we eagerly anticipate witnessing their continued success in future endeavours.

  • Summer Tournament Week: 17 – 24 March
  • Summer Tournament Week: 17 – 24 March

Waibop Secondary School Athletics Champs

  • Waibop Secondary School Athletics Champs

Congratulations to the following students who attended the Athletic Champs in Tauranga this week. Victoria Bunce, Samantha Cundy, Eboni Davies, Emer Kendrick, Heidi Maarihuis, Tamzyn McNamara, Josephine Mumby, Jenni Oliver, Sophie Peters and Henaka Tusa Soagia. Special acknowledgement goes out to the athletes below who placed!

Girls 800 Meters Junior – 2nd
Sophie Peters

4x100 Relay Senior – 2nd
Jenni Oliver, Victoria Bunce, Josephine Mumby, Tamzyn McNamara

Girls High Jump Senior – 3rd
Jenni Oliver

Debating Success

Well done to our Year 9 debating team, Chiara, Emma and Caitlin who won the opening debate of the season against Waikato Dio at Hamilton Girls’ High School this month. They are all new to debating and affirmed the moot "This house should ban junk food."   Sacred Heart has five teams entered in the Waikato Secondary Schools’ debating competition – two Junior, two Senior, and a premier team. Our premier team of Kate, Chunwa and Marionne (who was standing in for Sarah who was at Maadi Cup) – also had a win against Hamilton Boys’ High School, affirming the moot: "This house believes that all schools should give out free lunches to all students."  Well done to our debaters, and good luck for the rest of the debating season.   

  • Year 9 debating team

International News

  • International News

Official welcome at the University

On Tuesday, 19th March, our international students and 230 other international students were formally welcomed to Hamilton to signify the importance of international students in contributing to our vibrant city. The event was held at the new Pā at the University of Waikato.

“It is fantastic to see international students back in New Zealand, and we are immensely proud that so many students have chosen to study and live in Hamilton. This reflects our city and region’s strength in the education sector and the wonderful lifestyle, education, and work opportunities we have on offer,”  
Hamilton Mayor, Paula Southgate

Pirongia Forest Park Camp

There was sunshine, rain, and more sunshine, but the International Camp was great fun no matter the weather. The long weekend started on Friday with a trip to Raglan, where the girls went on a harbour cruise, played games on the beach, and finished off with fish and chips! They then travelled to Pirongia Forest Park Lodge, where they settled in for two nights.

Saturday and Sunday were spent completing many challenges, including the ever-popular yet slightly nervy flying fox, archery, caving, bush walks, and mastering the art of two-minute showers! The girls arrived back in Hamilton late on Sunday, exhausted yet with many accomplishments under their belt and long-lasting memories to cherish!

  • International News
  • International News
  • International News
  • International News

The Arts

High School Musical Production | 2nd – 6th April  

Tickets are nearly SOLD OUT!

Sacred Heart and St John’s students have been working hard and fully immersed in rehearsals since the end of January. In a few weeks, they’ll share the modern take on this classic stage show at the Meteor Theatre.

  • The Arts

Get Tickets Here!

Holy Week Timetable

  • Holy Week Timetable

Notice Board

School Calendar

Please see our School Calendar for updated events.

Seussical Jnr

Our friends across the road at Marian Catholic School are putting on this fun production. Tickets are available now. From the 9 -11th April. Don’t miss out, book online today!

Hyundai New Zealand Pinnacle Programme

Do you have a motivated 15 – 18-year-old with big dreams and a desire to become a dynamic leader? Then the Pinnacle Programme is perfect for you!

Don’t miss out on this chance to unlock their full potential. Apply now at before 31st March.

School Parking

Please use either Cook Street or Firth Street entrances to drop off or pick up your daughter. There has been an increase in dropping off students in the morning at the Clyde Street carpark, this is proving to be a safety issue. Thank you.

Attendance Reminder

If your daughter will be absent from school during the day for any reason, please phone the school 856 7874 option 1, or email the Student Coordinator: giving a reason for her absence. If a student will be absent from school for an extended period, whānau must inform Miss Gunn. Please email Ms Ritchie at explaining why she is absent – e.g., a holiday during term time.

Our Vision

Ignite the Passion: inspiring young women to change the world – me aro ki te hā o Hineahuone!