Our first Pānui of the year welcomes you to our learning community where Whakapono – Faith, Tuumanako – Hope and Tika -Justice shape our Vision, Mission and mahi. Nau mai, haere mai, hoki mai anoo – welcome back again, and a special welcome to our new students and their whaanau who have joined our community this year. May you soon feel a sense of belonging as we awhi and companion your taonga along their journey:
Our first Pānui of the year welcomes you to our learning community where Whakapono – Faith, Tuumanako – Hope and Tika -Justice shape our Vision, Mission and mahi. Nau mai, haere mai, hoki mai anoo – welcome back again, and a special welcome to our new students and their whaanau who have joined our community this year. May you soon feel a sense of belonging as we awhi and companion your taonga along their journey:
Haere mai, Companions in this Community of Faith and Mission.
Bring along a sense of expectancy,
a vision of high hopes,
a glimpse of possibility,
a vivid imagination
and joy in your contemplative heart.
For we are on this Hikoi Tapu together and all of us are welcome.
God’s creation within us is not yet done.
Let us travel with open minds, open hearts and
open hands in the spirit of faith and expectation
towards the God of our Hope and desires.
Come along together travellers in Faith and Hope
in the knowledge that we never travel alone.
For our God is with us,
Earth-maker, Pain-bearer and Life-giver.
Nau mai, haere mai.
This is the Year of Hope – Tuumanako – and the Contemplative Heart. The formation of a community of Hope is about personal growth to become fully alive and the best versions of ourselves. Being a person of Hope means we respond to our call with passion and courage.
It is also the year that we emphasise the whānau – our relationships and connections that make a difference to our community because we understand the responsibilities we all have to ensure the whānau thrives – whanaungatanga – it’s more than getting to know names: he oranga ngaakau, he pikinga waiora – when the Heart is well, everything is well.
Our Gospel focus for the year is The Annunciation (Luke 1:26-38); Mary, chosen to be the woman through whom the Messiah came into the world, who listened, discerned and said ‘yes’ to participating in the plan of God – “Anything is Possible” with Faith and Hope! Once again, welcome to The Year of Hope, Contemplation and Whanaungatanga:
As Euphrasie Barbier, founder of the Mission Sisters, reminds us, ‘where charity and union of hearts reign in community, the Lord is there. Guard this precious treasure well’.
Me aro ki te hā o Hineahuone – take heed the strength and dignity of women!