Hoki mai anoo – Welcome back to term 4, nearly November! The time of the year that the Church dedicates to the Holy Souls – those are on their way to rest in the arms of the Sacred Heart of Jesus – we call them whānau, friends, colleagues, companions. We know that everything changes and ends; we know that things don’t always go to plan; we
know that pain is part of life – nō reira nei te āwhina mōku – so from where will my help come?
He mihi teenei ki te whaanau whaanui
Hoki mai anoo – Welcome back to term 4, nearly November! The time of the year that the Church dedicates to the Holy Souls – those are on their way to rest in the arms of the Sacred Heart of Jesus – we call them whānau, friends, colleagues, companions. We know that everything changes and ends; we know that things don’t always go to plan; we
know that pain is part of life – nō reira nei te āwhina mōku – so from where will my help come?
Eternal One,
Wellspring of life.
We seek you in this place, who fills all places.
We call you by many names, whose name is above every name.
We pray to you with these words, who pray in us with sighs too deep for words.
Come to us in our limitation, suffering and longings.
Limitless good,
Love incarnate,
Fountain of justice.
For our whānau who may be grieving the loss of loved ones, may you find comfort in our prayers, as we remember our friend, teacher and colleague, Mr David Lang, whose one year anniversary occurred recently:
E te Ariki, hoatu ki ā ia te okiokinga tonutanga.
Ā, kia whiti ki ā ia te māramatanga mutunga kore.
Kia okioki i runga i te rangimārie. Āmene.
Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon him. May he rest in
peace. Amen.
Mauri ora.