Fees and Costs

Fees and Costs

As a state-integrated school, our land and buildings are owned by the the Mission College Hamilton Trust Board (MCHTB). As the proprietor/owner, the Trust is responsible for maintaining and developing the site and its facilities. School fees are reviewed annually by the Board of Trustees.


The Government does not fund our school to the same level as many other schools, nor does it provide any additional resourcing for the maintenance or operation of the buildings or dedicated spaces related to our school’s Catholic character. Therefore, the expectation is that families who attend our school make up the shortfall through the attendance dues and donations scheme.

The fees for the 2024 school year are detailed below, or for a more detailed breakdown, please click here.

Sacred Heart Girls’ College
Course Costs & Extracurricular (as invoiced)- 
Annual Donation$350 
PTFA Donation  $20 
Subtotal $370
Mission College Hamilton Trust Board
Attendance Dues (Compulsory)$890 
Catholic Character Levy  $40 
Building Fund Donation$260 
Subtotal $1,190
Annual Total$1,560

Course Costs

These are compulsory items or activities which are provided by the School for the learning areas being studied. They include costs such as materials, field trips and subject-specific workbooks. To be paid in full by the end of Term 1.


If your daughter has chosen to participate in sports and/or an after-school activity, there may be a charge. You will receive an invoice, which must be paid promptly, or a payment plan put in place to enable her to participate.

Annual Donation

The Board of Trustees requests a voluntary donation from all families to ensure equitable access to essential resources and facilities for every student. This contribution is crucial in enhancing your daughters’ educational experience and opportunities.

This includes:

  • Additional teaching and learning support staff beyond government funding, ensuring personalised attention and academic support.
  • Integration of modern technologies that empower students to learn in ways that are relevant to them and their future pathway.

Contributions are tax-deductible, and you will receive a receipt for your records.

PTFA Donation

The aim of the PTFA is to enrich and support the lives of our students by utilising the family donation. This enables them to contribute to initiatives including financial support and student welfare.



Working together with Kindo, our school offers you a simple and quick way to view and pay for school items, support fundraisers, and purchase event tickets. This is our preferred method of payment, and we encourage you to set-up your myKindo account today.

Mission College Hamilton Trust Board

(Attendance Dues, Building Fund Donation and Catholic Character Levy payments only)

  • Direct Credit to: Mission College Hamilton Trust Board
    01 0315 0176908 000
    Reference: Student Name and ID number (xxxxx) 
  • Payment plan: A regular amount can be paid by automatic payment to the Mission College Hamilton Trust Board bank account.