Pastoral Care

Pastoral Care

At Sacred Heart Girls’ College, our staff have a role to play in fostering emotional intelligence and resilience in our students. We know the pastoral care of our students is key to their success.

When students join Sacred Heart they are assigned a CCM Companion (teacher), as their main ‘go-to’ person in the school. Each CCM group is allocated to a House. The CCM companion provides assistance and support in pastoral and academic matters through-out the student’s time here. They will also know who to direct them to if they require further assistance. 

In addition, a team of Deans support CCM Companions in their role as mentors and coaches for learning and well-being.

Further layers of pastoral care includes the Dean Team, Guidance Counsellors, Student Engagement Coordinator and the Deputy Principals. Collectively, the Pastoral Care team is responsive to the needs of our community, with support from a dedicated Senior Leadership Team.

Students may also prefer the option of connecting with a member of the Student Well-being Team. This is a group of Senior students who have received training to enable them to help other students across all year groups, particularly Year 9. They provide all-around support and assistance, eg. friendship issues, questions about school work, clubs etc. If a student would like to connect with a team member just ask a Dean.

Where to go for support?

The pastoral team are all located in the Student Centre. This is the hub of our school and the ‘go-to’ place for our students. If you are not sure who to talk to just head to the Student Centre.

Guidance Counsellors

We have a team of three fully qualified Guidance Counsellors who are available by appointment. Students can make an appointment by placing a request in the box on the counter in the Student Centre. All appointments are confidential and discreet.

Our Counselling team also have access to a network of outside services and specialists to support their work and care for students.

Key Contacts

Name Role Email Code
Cherie Brownlee-Clarke Guidance Counsellor CBC
Carol Webb Guidance Counsellor CWE
Shelley Knight Student Engagement Coordinator SKN
Kymberly Bissett Dean KBI
Katie Hansen Dean KHA
Ayesha Holmes Dean AHM
Miriam Stevens Dean MST