Young Enterprise Scheme

13 May 2024

The BP Challenge was held in the Hall at the beginning of the month. A vibrant three-day workshop powered by the fantastic team of Ian Musson and Paul Newsom from the YES organisation (Young Enterprises Scheme). It is tailored for our Level 1 Commerce students.

Young Enterprise Scheme

The Challenge WINNERS: Recycle Buddies

  • Young Enterprise Scheme
  • Young Enterprise Scheme
  • Young Enterprise Scheme

Objective: To help students delve into the world of problem-solving, business creation, financial analysis, and sustainability, all while keeping the interests of their stakeholders front of mind.

Day 1: Picture this: students diving headfirst into the workshop, exploring the ABCs of business jargon, and chatting about their favourite companies. It was a day brimming with fun activities, slideshows, and group discussions that sparked creativity and fresh ideas. We encouraged students to think about their ideas’ legal, ethical, and safety aspects, ensuring they benefit everyone involved. By day’s end, they were excited, ready to tackle real-world problems with innovative business solutions.

Day 2: All groups enthusiastically identified a problem and crafted a business idea to solve it. Our facilitators encouraged them to think innovatively. From brainstorming business names to designing logos and setting SMART goals, every step was a journey of exploration. The students presented some remarkable solutions, such as eco-friendly toothpaste tablets, recycled teddy bears made from old clothes, and portable lunch boxes for hot meals on the go. With roles assigned, budgets planned, and marketing strategies in place, the students were fully engaged. Their enthusiasm was very evident.

Day 3: The big finale! Facilitators provided personalised and group support as needed, guiding each team through the final tasks. Then, it was time to shine as each group pitched their business plan to a panel of five expert judges. The atmosphere was electric, much like a scene from “Dragons’ Den"! Over three hours, we witnessed 50 pitches, each brimming with passion and energy. By the afternoon, a winner was chosen: Recycle Buddies – soft toys made from recycled clothing, and stand-out students were celebrated with awards. This was an amazing experience for all involved.