General Conduct & Behaviour Code

Students are expected to display a high standard of behaviour, to act in a respectful and courteous manner (towards all staff and toward each other), and to comply with school procedures at all times.

The information provided here is not all-encompassing but is a guide to key expectations. If you have any questions or concerns about conduct, please immediately contact your CCM Companion.

Sacred Heart is a Positive Behaviour for Learning (PB4L) Restorative Practice school. This is a model that focuses on building and maintaining positive, respectful relationships across the school community and offers school staff best-practice tools and techniques to maintain and restore relationships. By building and maintaining positive, respectful relationships within the school, staff to staff, staff to student and student to student, issues are more easily managed. 

We are guided by our Head, Heart and Hands matrix which can be found here. This is the foundational document of our shared expectations.


  • Students are to remain well inside the school boundary during school hours.
  • Students are to be in the space as directed by their timetable or teacher.
  • The staffroom and staff offices are to be entered only in the company of staff.
  • Students must follow the emergency procedures when required.


Students are required to follow the school attendance processes for absences, illness, appointments, arriving late, leaving early, appointments, etc. See the full details here.


  • Hair:
    Long hair is to be tied back neatly in a ponytail, plait or bun. Hair must be of a natural colour.
  • Jewellery:
    Only a wristwatch, a discreet chain with medal, cross or taonga, one pair of plain gold or silver studs or small sleepers (worn in the lower ear lobe), are permitted. No other face piercings are allowed. Confiscated jewellery can be collected from the Student Centre at the end of each school term.
  • Makeup:
    Make-up is not to be visible, it is to be natural-looking and not prominent, this includes false eyelashes.
    No nail polish is allowed on fingernails or toenails.

Banned Items 

The following items are banned from the school grounds:

  • Chewing gum
  • Cigarettes, lighters, matches, alcohol, weapons, knives, illegal substances, vapes, vaping products and paraphernalia. Items will be removed from the student.
  • Lime scooters. Students are not permitted to bring Lime scooters on site. The school does not condone students using this service.

Bullying and Harassment

Bullying behaviour is unacceptable in any environment, including in-school or online. Students are strongly encouraged to report any incidents that occur in school time to their CCM Companion or a Dean immediately. We investigate all evidenced incidents of unacceptable behaviour.

Devices/Electronic Equipment/Phones

All students have signed a Responsible Use Agreement on enrolment, view here. The expectation is that students will follow all the regulations as stipulated.

Students’ phones must be switched off and in school bags between the hours of 8:30am – 3:00pm, including break times.

Devices are brought to school at the student’s own risk. During school time they are to be used for learning only. Devices are only permitted to be used in class with teacher permission. Otherwise, devices should be switched off and put away. Students who do not meet the behaviour expectation risk having the device confiscated for the day. Students are responsible for collecting their confiscated device from the teacher concerned. Students who repeat this behaviour will be referred to the Dean Team. They may contact parents and arrange for the device to be removed daily and returned to the student at the end of the school day for a duration of time determined by the Dean Team.

Should parents need to contact their daughter during these hours please do so via the school office: 07 856 7874.

Phone use at School


Electric Scooters

The introduction of Electric Scooters (Lime) to Hamilton has raised several issues relevant to our duty of care.

Parents, discuss the safety and appropriate use of the scooter with your daughter and ensure she knows and understands all traffic laws. The use of Lime Scooters on school grounds is not permitted. Student behaviour that does not meet our school expectations may become subject to the school’s disciplinary process.

Emergency Procedures

Students are required to follow the school’s Emergency and Evacuation processes. Emergency procedures are detailed on the wall of every classroom and office. Emergency practice drills are held regularly. The assembly point is Steele Park. In the unlikely event of an emergency, every effort will be made to notify parents/caregivers. In the case of an earthquake, students and parents/caregivers should have a personalised plan of where to meet if Steele Park is inaccessible.

Personal Items 

All personal items e.g. uniform, books, pens, bags, calculators, and sporting equipment, must be clearly marked with the student’s name. Lost and found items should be reported to or handed in at the Student Centre.

Any items brought to school are at the student’s own risk. The school will accept no responsibility for their loss. This includes devices/electronic equipment, cameras and other costly equipment, valuable watches, sums of money and keepsake items. If such items must be brought to school, they should be handed in at the Student Centre for safekeeping.

School Property

  • Students are to take good care of all school property. In the event of willful damage to school property, the person or persons responsible shall be prepared to pay compensation.
  • Textbooks and library books should be well cared for and returned when requested by the school.
  • Students must respect our environment.

Sickness or Injury

  • If you become sick or are injured while at school, please report to the Student Centre where a member of our Pastoral team will assist you.
  • If you are in class, advise the teacher that you are going to the Student Centre for this reason.
  • Please do not contact a parent or caregiver via a personal device prior to this as a member of our Pastoral team will inform them that you are injured or unwell.
  • If the illness or accident is of a nature where you are unable to return to class, arrangements will be made for you to go home.
  • If you do go home, you must follow the school attendance process and sign out.
  • There is also an extensive range of free feminine supplies at the Student Centre if required.


Students must wear the correct uniform to, from and while at school. and adhere to the school dress code.

Vehicle Use

Students who drive private vehicles to school do so at their own risk. Students must provide their make and vehicle registration to the Student Centre. Students are expected to follow all laws and regulations in the use of their vehicle. The School does not provide onsite parking. Students are to be familiar with and observe Hamilton City Council parking regulations. Students should also be considerate to our local residents, their homes and access ways.