Kaiako (Teaching Staff)

Sacred Heart teachers care deeply about providing a quality education for our students. They are subject specialists and offer a broad range of skills, experience and special gifts. Our teachers actively contribute to our culture of learning and demonstrate a commitment to the continual improvement of our school. Teachers go above and beyond to support students. Here is our current staff list:

All Learning Areas

Afeefa Shakeela Academic Advisor ashakeela@shgcham.school.nz ASH


Kathleen Wilson Leader of Learning kwilson@shgcham.school.nz KWI


Sally Barrett Teacher sbarrett@shgcham.school.nz SBA
Ayesha Holmes Teacher aholmes@shgcham.school.nz AHM
Hollie Doyle-Adams Teacher hadams@shgcham.school.nz HAD
Kathleen Wilson Teacher kwilson@shgcham.school.nz KWI
Robyn Johnston Teacher rjohnston@shgcham.school.nz RJH
Kymberly Bissett Teacher kbissett@shgcham.school.nz KBI
Shaleshni Shukla Teacher sshukla@shgcham.school.nz SSK
Rhiannon Sheridan-Braithwaite Teacher rsheridan@shgcham.school.nz RSB



Sarah Kibby Teacher skibby@shgcham.school.nz SKI
Janine Dougal Teacher jdougal@shgcham.school.nz JDO


Vicki Cotton Leader of Learning vcotton@shgcham.school.nz VCO


Belinda Cooper Teacher bcooper@shgcham.school.nz BCO
Salome Gilbert Teacher sgilbert@shgcham.school.nz SGI


Belinda Cooper Teacher bcooper@shgcham.school.nz BCO
Vicki Cotton Teacher vcotton@shgcham.school.nz VCO


Alex Pelham-Waerea Teacher apelham@shgcham.school.nz APW

Learning Support

Fiona Murphy Leader of Learning fmurphy@shgcham.school.nz FMU


Afeefa Shakeela Leader of Learning ashakeela@shgcham.school.nz ASH


Afeefa Shakeela Teacher ashakeela@shgcham.school.nz ASH
Sharmila Singh Teacher ssingh@shgcham.school.nz SHS
Janet Sukias Teacher jsukias@shgcham.school.nz JSU
Frances Karl Teacher fkarl@shgcham.school.nz KAR
Kanta Achari Teacher kachari@shgcham.school.nz KAC
Ratishma Kavita Teacher rkavita@shgcham.school.nz RKA
Alex Pelham-Waerea Teacher apelham@shgcham.school.nz APW


Childcare Development

Kristina McQueen Teacher kmcqueen@shgcham.school.nz KMQ


Alison Crean Gateway Coordinator acrean@shgcham.school.nz ACR
Vicki Cotton Careers Advisor vcotton@shgcham.school.nz VCO
Kristina McQueen Teacher kmcqueen@shgcham.school.nz KMQ


Kristina McQueen Teacher kmcqueen@shgcham.school.nz KMQ

Physical Education

Hannah Tapara Leader of Learning htapara@shgcham.school.nz HTA

Physical Education

Clarissa Maxwell Teacher cmaxwell@shgcham.school.nz CMX
Kirsten Skudder Teacher kskudder@shgcham.school.nz KSK
Cindy Morris Teacher cmorris@shgcham.school.nz CMO
Holly Hucker Teacher hhucker@shgcham.school.nz HHU
Miriam Stevens Teacher mstevens@shgcham.school.nz MST

Religious Studies

Daisy Morris Director dmorris@shgcham.school.nz DMO

Catholic Character and Mission Charism

Agatha Soagia Director asoagia@shgcham.school.nz ASO

Religious Education

Caroline Collie Teacher ccollie@shgcham.school.nz CCO
Alanna Goodwin Teacher agoodwin@shgcham.school.nz AGO
Daisy Morris Teacher dmorris@shgcham.school.nz DMO
Natalia Te Rangipuawhe Maika Teacher ntrmaika@shgcham.school.nz NRM
Catherine Rolfe Teacher crolfe@shgcham.school.nz CRF
Brenna Narbey-Nimeti Teacher bnarbey@shgcham.school.nz BNN
Le Mond Jaunay Teacher ljaunay@shgcham.school.nz LMJ
Agatha Soagia Teacher asoagia@shgcham.school.nz ASO
Maria Persson Teacher mpersson@shgcham.school.nz MPR
Roisin Stuart Teacher rstuart@shgcham.school.nz RST


Shivam Kumar Leader of Learning skumar@shgcham.school.nz SKU


Raven Flintoft Teacher rflintoft@shgcham.school.nz RFL
Caitlynn O'Toole Teacher cotoole@shgcham.school.nz CTO
Rebecca Wema Teacher rwema@shgcham.school.nz RWE
Nitika Prasad-Kumar Teacher nprasad@shgcham.school.nz NPR


Fiona Murphy Teacher fmurphy@shgcham.school.nz FMU
Rebecca Wema Teacher rwema@shgcham.school.nz RWE


Shivam Kumar Teacher skumar@shgcham.school.nz SKU


Nitika Prasad-Kumar Teacher nprasad@shgcham.school.nz NPR
Caitlynn O'Toole Teacher cotoole@shgcham.school.nz CTO
Michelle Aish Teacher maish@shgcham.school.nz MAI
Raven Flintoft Teacher rflintoft@shgcham.school.nz RFL
Shivam Kumar Teacher skumar@shgcham.school.nz SKU
Rebecca Wema Teacher rwema@shgcham.school.nz RWE

Social Sciences

Melanie Giles Leader of Learning mgiles@shgcham.school.nz MGI


Business Studies

Salome Gilbert Teacher sgilbert@shgcham.school.nz SGI


Melanie Giles Teacher mgiles@shgcham.school.nz MGI
Laura Baillie Teacher lbaillie@shgcham.school.nz LBL


Amanda Reid Teacher areid@shgcham.school.nz ARE
Kim McAlley Teacher kmcalley@shgcham.school.nz KMC


Eadon Gillibrand Teacher egillibrand@shgcham.school.nz EGI


Melanie Giles Teacher mgiles@shgcham.school.nz MGI
Laura Baillie Teacher lbaillie@shgcham.school.nz LBL
Eadon Gillibrand Teacher egillibrand@shgcham.school.nz EGI


Angela Fuimaono Teacher afuimaono@shgcham.school.nz AFU

Social Science

Caroline Collie Teacher ccollie@shgcham.school.nz CCO
Eadon Gillibrand Teacher egillibrand@shgcham.school.nz EGI
Brenna Narbey-Nimeti Teacher bnarbey@shgcham.school.nz BNN
Natalia Te Rangipuawhe Maika Teacher ntrmaika@shgcham.school.nz NRM
Angela Fuimaono Teacher afuimaono@shgcham.school.nz AFU
Maria Persson Teacher mpersson@shgcham.school.nz MPR
Le Mond Jaunay Teacher ljaunay@shgcham.school.nz LMJ
Rhiannon Sheridan-Braithwaite Teacher rsheridan@shgcham.school.nz RSB

Social Studies

Brooke Baker Teacher bbaker@shgcham.school.nz BBK

Te Ao Maaori

Piri Hetet-Wairau Leader of Learning phetet@shgcham.school.nz PHW
Hunny Kereopa Teacher hkereopa@shgcham.school.nz HKE


Megan Eshuis Leader of Learning meshuis@shgcham.school.nz MES

Catering and Hospitality

Katrien Maclaurin Teacher in Charge kmaclaurin@shgcham.school.nz CMA
Linh Nguyen Teacher lnguyen@shgcham.school.nz LNG

Digital and Visual Communication

Megan Eshuis Teacher meshuis@shgcham.school.nz MES
James Martell Teacher jmartell@shgcham.school.nz JMA
Dean Rogers Teacher drogers@shgcham.school.nz DRO

Digital Technology

Suriyakrishnan Srinivasan Teacher ssrinivasan@shgcham.school.nz SSR

Fashion Design

Pauline Smith Teacher psmith@shgcham.school.nz PSM

The Arts

Roisin Stuart Leader of Learning rstuart@shgcham.school.nz RST


Alanna Goodwin Teacher agoodwin@shgcham.school.nz AGO
Karl Yuris Teacher kyuris@shgcham.school.nz KYU
Catherine Rolfe Teacher crolfe@shgcham.school.nz CRF
Roisin Stuart Teacher rstuart@shgcham.school.nz RST


Colette Arnold Teacher carnold@shgcham.school.nz CAR


Katie Hansen Teacher khansen@shgcham.school.nz KHA
Zoe Fleetwood Teacher zfleetwood@shgcham.school.nz ZFL


James Martell Teacher jmartell@shgcham.school.nz JMA
Brooke Baker Teacher bbaker@shgcham.school.nz BBK


Karl Yuris Teacher kyuris@shgcham.school.nz KYU