Kaiawhina (Support Staff)

The Sacred Heart Support Staff strive to ensure that our school is a welcoming and supportive environment for all. Support Staff work from different parts of the school, including the Notre Dame Centre, the Student Centre, and the Sports Development Office. They keep the wheels turning behind the scenes and support the smooth running of the school.

Name Role Email Code
Shelley Knight Student Engagement Coordinator sknight@shgcham.school.nz SKN
Kim Fox Student Centre Liaison kfox@shgcham.school.nz KFO
Lisa McKenzie Enrolment & Admin Coordinator lmckenzie@shgcham.school.nz LMC
Janice Ritchie Executive Officer jritchie@shgcham.school.nz JRI
Megan Hulena Business Manager mhulena@shgcham.school.nz MHU
Maree Thomas Accounts Clerk accounts@shgcham.school.nz MTH
Sarah Ridley Accounts Payable sridley@shgcham.school.nz SRI
Collette Tuioti Director of International Students international@shgcham.school.nz CTU
Lisa Cowen Homestay Coordinator lcowen@shgcham.school.nz LCO
Monica van Oostrom International Administrator mvanoostrom@shgcham.school.nz MVO
Mark McAlley Director of Sport Development mmcalley@shgcham.school.nz MMC
Erin Seager Sports Coordinator eseager@shgcham.school.nz ESE
Caleb Wesselson Sports Coordinator cwesselson@shgcham.school.nz CWS
Leonie Grigsby Lead Librarian lgrigsby@shgcham.school.nz LGR
Penny Thompson Marketing & Communications Manager pthompson@shgcham.school.nz PTH
Maddy Wallace Teacher Aide mwallace@shgcham.school.nz MWA
Paige Tuioti Teacher Aide ptuioti@shgcham.school.nz PTU
Rachel Hirst Teacher Aide rhirst@shgcham.school.nz RHI
Rangi Iles Teacher Aide riles@shgcham.school.nz RIL
Sandra Jensen Teacher Aide sjensen@shgcham.school.nz SJE
Vivienne Leddy Teacher Aide vleddy@shgcham.school.nz VLE
Maggie Webb Teacher Aide mwebb@shgcham.school.nz MWB
Jo Gurnell Teacher Aide jgurnell@shgcham.school.nz JGU
Kate Charman Teacher Aide kcharman@shgcham.school.nz KCH
Phillip Baltus Systems Administrator pbaltus@shgcham.school.nz PBA
Andrea Hollis Science Technician ahollis@shgcham.school.nz AHO
Vivienne Leddy Support Technician – Technology vleddy@shgcham.school.nz VLE
Linh Nguyen Support Technician – Technology lnguyen@shgcham.school.nz LNG
Kusum Lal MLT Administrator klal@shgcham.school.nz KLL
Stephen Carroll Caretaker scarroll@shgcham.school.nz CL
David Finlay Assistant Caretaker DFI
Marilyn Webby MCHTB Bursar mwebby@shgcham.school.nz MWE